press your stylus over the Pokemon you wanna check your friendship with
one heart - ok
two hearts - good
two hearts that grow - excellent
Here's what you do: You always walk around with the pokemon, put them in easy battles, always use them in battle, and never let them faint. With Pokemon friendship in all Pokemon games, you must treat the Pokemon well for it to improve. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Put the Pokemon in the front of your party Give it heal items when it is unwell and other items such as Carbos and Iron Use berries that promote friendship, such as Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Greppa or Tamato Berries Take the Pokemon for massages in Veilstone or in the Resort Area's Ribbon Syndicate Level up the Pokemon and involve it in lots of battles Don't let the Pokemon faint or lose Let it hold an item - any item, but to promote friendship use a Soothe Bell These methods are sure to increase your Pokemon's friendship with you. Use the Poke App 'Friendship Checker' to check how the Pokemon feels towards you.
Get some mates.
Budew does not evolve from leveling it up, Budew evolves from friendship. you will know it has full friendship with poketch app friendship checker, which you get from the president of the poketch company, and when budew has two giant hearts, it has full friendship. I suggest giving it a soothe bell, feeding it pofffins, walking with it in the area north of hearthome, and battling with it. If you want a roserade use a shiny stone which you can find in the side entrance of iron island NOTICE: Budew will only evolve from friendship DURING THE DAY
Yes it will.
Drifblim, Gengar, and Mismagius
Here's what you do: You always walk around with the pokemon, put them in easy battles, always use them in battle, and never let them faint. With Pokemon friendship in all Pokemon games, you must treat the Pokemon well for it to improve. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Put the Pokemon in the front of your party Give it heal items when it is unwell and other items such as Carbos and Iron Use berries that promote friendship, such as Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Greppa or Tamato Berries Take the Pokemon for massages in Veilstone or in the Resort Area's Ribbon Syndicate Level up the Pokemon and involve it in lots of battles Don't let the Pokemon faint or lose Let it hold an item - any item, but to promote friendship use a Soothe Bell These methods are sure to increase your Pokemon's friendship with you. Use the Poke App 'Friendship Checker' to check how the Pokemon feels towards you.
You just hold down a Pokemon on the app and some or no hearts would show up.
Get some mates.
The friendship checker app in the Pokémon games shows you which of your Pokémon like you. To use it look for hearts next to a Pokémon when you have the screen up.
In the Pokemon Centre located in Eterna City, a girl on the right hand side will give you the Poketch app "Friendship Checker" when you talk to her. To use it, simply tap and hold on the pokemon you wish to check. Maximum friendship is depicted by 2 hearts which grow bigger after a second.
I have no clue! Sorry Im posting this! SO sorry! If i know i will tell ya You use the friendship checker app. Pokemon usually evolve at 2 hearts. I think you get the friendship app at the poketech company in ---------------------- city.
Budew does not evolve from leveling it up, Budew evolves from friendship. you will know it has full friendship with poketch app friendship checker, which you get from the president of the poketch company, and when budew has two giant hearts, it has full friendship. I suggest giving it a soothe bell, feeding it pofffins, walking with it in the area north of hearthome, and battling with it. If you want a roserade use a shiny stone which you can find in the side entrance of iron island NOTICE: Budew will only evolve from friendship DURING THE DAY
tap and hold a Pokemon if it likes you a bit it will have a small blinking heart if it likes you more it has two blinking hearts if it likes you ALOT it has two huge hearts
Go from Solaceon town on route 210. Look for where the fog is, and go to the corner-like place of the map and look for a little house. There's a tutor that teaches Draco meteor. You have to have a pokemon with high friendship, with 2 hearts on the friendship checker app. A good idea is to have all physical attack moves, since Draco meteor only decreases Sp. Attack. You should also only use it if it's going to make the enemy faint.
how to catch dailga in Pokemon diamond use the master ball
use a moon stone for Pokemon diamond dawn stone for pearl <<<--- that is WRONG. that's not how i evolved mine on Diamond, I got friendly with it and let it evolve (lvl it up with 2-3 hearts on the friendship checker app) at night. <<<--- that is CORRECT. Those answers are both wrong, You evolve eevee into umbreon at night at ANY LEVEL as long as it is at night. <<<--- That is the most CORRECT answer. (The second answer marked correct is wrong)
Use it on Palkia.