First you need the 3rd badge, Second you must teach the move to a Pokemon that can learn it (almost all flying types can learn it). Third press Start and press A on Pokemon choose the Pokemon that knows Fly and press A on it notice Fly will be highlighted in blue press A on it know the kanto map will open up move your cursor to any town or city then press A on it to Fly there. Fly only works when your outside (occassionally in some forests you can Fly). You can also use Fly to go between the islands in the game.
The Thunder Badge
No, beedrill can not learn fly. The only HM it can learn is fly.
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
after you beat the fire gym then walk out and your rival will give it to you.
Use fly
get the 4th badge in celadon city
The Thunder Badge
to fly in Pokemon pearl u have to get the hm fly then u have to teach it to a Pokemon that can learn then beat gym leader
No, beedrill can not learn fly. The only HM it can learn is fly.
No, Dugtrio cannot learn Fly. Only Flying-type Pokemon, of which Dugtrio is not, are able to learn Fly.
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
you cant eon ticket has absolutely no use in pokemon firered.
use that gameshark user.
Hey I Used Pokemon Firered Codes just use Pokemon firered gameshark codes
Use surf or fly.
Use wireless adapters.