you just need to have the HM dive give it to a water type pokemon that can use it go to undella bay and use over a black spot and you see what it looks like under the water
BTW-you dont do much ,it just shows you what it looks like.
There is no HM for Dive in SoulSilver, but you can get it by transferring a Pokemon who knows dive into SoulSilver the Pal Park. but you can get dive as a HM in Pokemon black and white but not in soulsilver,heartgold,platinum,diamond,and pearl
Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)
wailoerd and wailmer ,if you defeated n you realize you can got to undella bay ,there you use surf and catch wailmer,evolve it or not teach tm dive and .........................................dive
After you defeat N and Ghetsis, go to Undella Town and a girl will give you the HM Dive.
Undella Bay
In the darker patches of waters while Surfing.
any water Pokemon can use dive
Undella Town, and you use dive in four dark water spots to get to the abyssal ruins.
In Undella City, there is a girl off to the left of the Pokemon center in a white dress. Talk to her, and she will give you the HM Dive. You can then teach it to a Pokemon and enter the Abyssal Ruins.
the dive hm. the lday in undella town gives it to you.
Since dive is not a HM in firered you will have to trade a Pokemon to a friend that has ruby, sapphire or emerald then using that game use the HM Dive to teach the move Dive to that Pokemon trade it back so firered can have that Pokemon again it will still have Dive however you cannot use it to dive underwater.
There is no HM for Dive in SoulSilver, but you can get it by transferring a Pokemon who knows dive into SoulSilver the Pal Park. but you can get dive as a HM in Pokemon black and white but not in soulsilver,heartgold,platinum,diamond,and pearl
Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)
You get the abilty to use the move Dive from Tate and Liza in Mossdeep and then you can teach your Pokemon to Dive! X3 POKEMON-1001
The only thing you can dive for is the abyssal ruins.
you can not, you can get a Pokemon that knows dive in battle but you cant use it outside of battle.