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First you go north from Mauville City until you are on route 112. Then you go into the building next to the Fiery Path. Talk to the lady with green hair and she will ask if you wish to go into the cable car. You sy yes and you go up to the top of Mt. Chimney.

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Q: How do you use cable car on sapphire?
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Where is the cable car on sapphire?

The cable car is at route 112.

What badge do you need to use strength in sapphire?

The fourth badge. It's in Lavaridge town. You'll need to use the cable car north-west of Mauville.

How do you get to the volcano in Pokemon sapphire?

You have to go on the cable car, just north of the entrance to the Fiery Path.

Where is mtchimmney in Pokemon Sapphire?

Take the cable car from Route 112 and you'll exit on Mt. Chimney

How do you battle from Sapphire to Emerald?

Link Cable.

On Pokemon Sapphire do you have to have a cable to trade?


How do you get past team aqua in when the are guarding the cable car in Pokemon Sapphire?

yeah im trying to figure tht out! if anybody noes PLZ share

How do you trade Pokemon from colosseum to sapphire?

on colliseum go to the pokecenter in phenac city then use a gamecube to gameboy link cable

How can you use auxiliary in a sentence?

In my car, i use an auxiliary cable to connect my mp3 player to my car stereo.

How do trade leafgreen to sapphire with the game link cable?

you need the ruby and the sapphire on island 1 so the machine works and you can trade to ruby and sapphire

What cable do you use to trade Pokemon between sapphire and blue with both consoles being Game Boy Advance SP?

the wireless adapter

How can you get onix on sapphire?

You can only get an "onix" in Pokemon sapphire if you have a Pokemon version that has an onix then use a linking cable with other GBA to trade it and then you'll have an onix but "onix's" data can't be stored in your pokedex.NOTE:You can only trade with a Pokemon version that have the same region as your Sapphire has;HOENN REGION.