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In the current release, while you can access Sponge in creative mode, it is not coded to do anything, or rather the earlier code it used to have, has been removed.

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Q: How do you use a sponge in minecraft?
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How do you get sponge on Minecraft?

It's only attainable via Creative Mode or inventory hacks.

Is a sponge the same sponge you use at home?


Why are sponge called sponge?

A human made sponge is called a sponge because humans used to use sea sponges.

What does sponges do in Minecraft?

In all current versions (this includes beta), sponges do absolutely nothing. They were used in the classic (old classic, not new one) as a way to unflood places, as they created an area about 2 to 3 blocks around it that had no water. This was useful in the classic, because the water was inf. As inf. water was removed since, the use of sponges has, and so has the ability to get sponged legit. But, as the blook of the "sponge" was not actually removed, just the way to get it legit, you can still get it with inv. hacks.

Can you use a sponge to apply deck stain to vertical surfaces?

You can use a sponge applicator on a broom handle or extension

How many xy blocks of sponge is it to go to the moon in minecraft?

The moon is unreachable in vanilla minecraft, but various mods allow you to make portals there, the current height limit is about 255 blocks high.

What part of the sponge do people use as bath sponges?

a. the flagella b. the sponge skeleton c.the hard spicules Is sponge skeleton

Is a sponge a mullusc?

If you mean the creature then yes it is but if you mean the sponge you use to clean dishes then no.

Can you use computer Minecraft seeds in Minecraft 360?


What sponge do I use to clean?

There are no rules, use whatever you find easiest. Most people use synthetic sponges for cleaning tasks. Washing the body may be done with either a synthetic or a natural sponge. A sponge with a scourer attached is useful for many jobs including dish washing.

Can you use a controller on minecraft PC?

No, not on Minecraft PC. You just use your mouse and keyboard.