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You treat the duel disk like a duel mat or any regular playing surface. The main differences are must attach the disk to your wrist, your deck goes in the proper holder and the Graveyard has its own slot for cards. The five square areas on top of the disk are for Monsters, Spells and Traps are inserted in one of five slots "under" the playing field, and Field Spell cards are place in a special attachment that slides out from the side of the disk.

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Q: How do you use a Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk?
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Where to buy duel disk?

here to buy yugioh duel disk

Where can you get a yu-gi-oh duel disk?

you can get a yugioh duel disk to kaissa in glyfada with 50 euro.

What is a Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk Launcher?

The yugioh duel disk is a way for players to duel anywhere the their favorite tv charachters and a portable field that is stronger than a paper mat.

In what Yu-Gi-Oh episode is the duel disk introduced?

Yugioh Episode 55

What is the equipment they use to duel with on there arm in yu-gi-oh?

It is commonly known as a Duel Disk.

Lefty duel disk?

If you duel, YOU WILL WIN! but use your right one . I don't understand the question...

When will the yugioh zexal duel disk toy come out?

There are no plans for one. In fact, all duel disks are hard to come by since they went out of production in 2005. The only exception is the Slifer Red Academy Duel Disk, and Yusei's "Hybrid Duel Disk", both of which were only available in Japan for a short while. -Actually, They're still producing the duel disks in Japan, considering they're more huge & common there than here in the U.S. So there's a possible chance of them in development of a Zexal duel disk. But the results of there being one are highly unlikely. It's possible because Mattel & Konami have made a duel disk for every Yu-Gi-Oh! show.-

Do you have to have a duel disk like in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's to duel?

In real life you don't need a duel disk to duel.

Who is died in yu-gi-oh?

Atem the spirit of the Pharaoh also known as Yami died at the end of Yugioh Duel Monsters. In Yugioh 5ds all of the former main characters from Yugioh GX and Yugioh Duel Monsters are dead. (most likely by age)

Duel disk is connected to a arcade machine?

there is no duel disk in arcade machines.

What is kaibas password on 4kids Yugioh ultimate vault?


What is a standby phase?

Standby phase is in a yugioh duel after draw phase,you could use card effect at standby phase.