

Best Answer

Add a script and find 'Yournamehere".

The commands are,


Shows a list of all the commands


makes a fire on Person299 {MADE BY clone0136}


removes fire from Person299 {MADE BY clone0136}


If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it


kills Person299


Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns


Undos loopkill/


makes a black hole were Person299 was and last 40 then gets removed {MADE BY clone0136}


nukes Person299 and anyone standing to close {MADE BY clone0136}


sets off a cleaner nuke were person299 is and last 100 {MADE BY clone0136}


makes a GS.2 AKA sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136}


stops the sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136}


Returns Person299 to full health


Makes Person299's character take 50 damage


Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999


Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people


Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people


Shows a list of everyone banned


Unbans Person299


Explodes Person299's character


Straps a rocket onto Person299's back


Removes all of Person299's tools.


Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack


Gives Person299 the building tools


Makes Person299 sit


Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character


Makes Person299's character respawn


Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character


Undos jail/


Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting


Undos punish/


Makes Person299 control Farvei's character


Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character


Makes you control Person299's character


Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999


Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting


Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated


Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30


Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0


Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20


Makes Person299 almost weightless


Gives Person299 antigravity properties


Returns Person299's gravity to normal


Makes Person299 heavier


Sets Person299's gravity


Makes Person299's character trip


Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average


Makes Person299's character invisible


Undos invisible/


Makes Person299's character unable to move


Undos freeze/


Undos freeze/ {MADE BY clone0136}


Makes Person299's character unlocked


Makes Person299's character locked


Gives Person299's character a ForceField


Undos ff/


Makes Person299's character sparkly


Undos sparkles/


Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299


Undos shield/


Makes Person299 godish


Undos god/


pulls person299 into a ufo and kills him {MADE BY clone0136}


summons 4 aliens were Person299 was to kill every one {MADE BY clone0136}


Makes Person299 a infecting zombie


Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people


Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist


Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people


Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people

m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made

Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds

h/i like pie

Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds

c/ game.Workspace:remove()

Makes a script which source is whats after c/


Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails.

Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated.

Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname.


namelist = { }

variablelist = { }

flist = { }

local source = script:FindFirstChild("source")

if source ~= nil then

sbbu = script.source:clone()

sbbu.Disabled = false


print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction")


tools ="Model")

c = game.Lighting:GetChildren()

for i=1,#c do

if c[i].className texture then

local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end)



local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end)


text("You're an admin.",5,"Message",ack)






danumber = danumber + 1

if danumber >= 10 then


end end end end end end end


c = game.Players:GetChildren()

for i=1,#c do



--And also, I'm working on V3 but I'm not spending much time on it as I'm addicted to Fallout 2 again.

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Q: How do you use Person299 admin script on a Roblox game?
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What is the admin command script on roblox?

It depends on what commands you want. Here is a script with a whole bunch of commands made by Person299. adminlist = {"USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here. --Please keep my name in there. ;) bannedlist ="" texture = "SHIRT TEXTURE ID HERE"--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here. --[[ I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to every once in a while. The commands are,(Examples) commands Shows a list of all the commands superjump/Person299 makes Person299 superjump dance/Person299 makes Person299 dance fix If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names separated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. --]] namelist = { } variablelist = { } flist = { } local source = script:FindFirstChild("source") if source ~= nil then sbbu = script.source:clone() sbbu.Disabled = false else print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction") end tools ="Model") c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className === Replace Control22 with your name

What is the script for admin on roblox script builder?

--Version 2 1.02 I fixed some problems caused by the updates. adminlist = {"[OBCTELAMONFIGHTING]"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here. --Please keep my name in there. ;) bannedlist = { ""}--If you want someone not to be able to enter your place, put thier name in here. texture = ""--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here. --[[ I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to the link every once in a while. If theres anything you think this command script needs, just message me (Person299) and i might put it in. :) And also, if you find any bugs, report them to me. The commands are, commands Shows a list of all the commands fire/Person299 makes a fire on Person299 {MADE BY clone0136} unfire/Person299 removes fire from Person299 {MADE BY clone0136} fix If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ blackhole/Person299 makes a black hole were Person299 was and last 40 then gets removed {MADE BY clone0136} nuke/Person299 nukes Person299 and anyone standing to close {MADE BY clone0136} cleanernuke/Persone299 sets off a cleaner nuke were person299 is and last 100 {MADE BY clone0136} sunnuke/Person299 makes a GS.2 AKA sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136} stopsunnuke stops the sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136} heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unfreeze/Person299 Undos freeze/ {MADE BY clone0136} unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ ufo/Person/299 pulls person299 into a ufo and kills him {MADE BY clone0136} aliens/Person299 summons 4 aliens were Person299 was to kill every one {MADE BY clone0136} zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. --]] namelist = { } variablelist = { } flist = { } local source = script:FindFirstChild("source") if source ~= nil then sbbu = script.source:clone() sbbu.Disabled = false else print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction") end tools ="Model") c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className texture then local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(namelist,ack.Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) text("You're an admin.",5,"Message",ack) return else return end else danumber = danumber + 1 if danumber >= 10 then return end end end end end end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(oe) c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do oe(c[i]) end --And also, I'm working on V3 but I'm not spending much time on it as I'm addicted to Fallout 2 again.

How do you hack roblox admin games?

There is no way to hack Roblox Admin games. Hacking games on Roblox is against the sit's Terms Of Service. Attempting to hack any Roblox game can result in a ban.

Can you insert a model into any place by hacking on Roblox?

It is not called 'hacking' as such. it is exploiting and it is extremely difficult. You can do it in different ways using CE's roblox studio or other seperate applications like Fiddler or Fiddler2. However for begginers i think roblox studio would be best just go into a game and click tools-execute script ASAP and have a premade script that inserts something into the game. I myself have 3. An insert tool , an admin script, and a orb

Roblox how to be super admin for village life?

You can be a super admin if you add admin in your roblox game

Related questions

How do you insert admin at your roblox place?

To make admin commands on your ROBLOX game First,click free models.Then, search up "Person299 admin script". Next, use it.Then, click view on the top left hand corner and click explorer.Last find "admin script" click it then put the people you want (you don't have to if you don't want to) next test it out and you made admin

How do you use admin commands?

It depends where you are in the game! If you are in someone else's game, You would need to buy the shirt or ask the owner to make you admin, If you are in your place, You would need to open roblox studio and put in admin commands script -CaptianC3 (Roblox)

What is the admin command script on roblox?

It depends on what commands you want. Here is a script with a whole bunch of commands made by Person299. adminlist = {"USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE","USERNAME HERE"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here. --Please keep my name in there. ;) bannedlist ="" texture = "SHIRT TEXTURE ID HERE"--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here. --[[ I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to every once in a while. The commands are,(Examples) commands Shows a list of all the commands superjump/Person299 makes Person299 superjump dance/Person299 makes Person299 dance fix If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names separated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. --]] namelist = { } variablelist = { } flist = { } local source = script:FindFirstChild("source") if source ~= nil then sbbu = script.source:clone() sbbu.Disabled = false else print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction") end tools ="Model") c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className === Replace Control22 with your name

How do you get insert script in roblox?

An insert tool script is a script that is placed in an insert tool which allows you to insert models into a game. There are many insert tools on the free models which you can use. They range from simple tools to complicated GUI based ones.

What are some epic commands in roblox?

Some of the most basic ones are: kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. NOTE: This is from Roblox.

What is the script for admin on roblox script builder?

--Version 2 1.02 I fixed some problems caused by the updates. adminlist = {"[OBCTELAMONFIGHTING]"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here. --Please keep my name in there. ;) bannedlist = { ""}--If you want someone not to be able to enter your place, put thier name in here. texture = ""--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here. --[[ I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to the link every once in a while. If theres anything you think this command script needs, just message me (Person299) and i might put it in. :) And also, if you find any bugs, report them to me. The commands are, commands Shows a list of all the commands fire/Person299 makes a fire on Person299 {MADE BY clone0136} unfire/Person299 removes fire from Person299 {MADE BY clone0136} fix If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ blackhole/Person299 makes a black hole were Person299 was and last 40 then gets removed {MADE BY clone0136} nuke/Person299 nukes Person299 and anyone standing to close {MADE BY clone0136} cleanernuke/Persone299 sets off a cleaner nuke were person299 is and last 100 {MADE BY clone0136} sunnuke/Person299 makes a GS.2 AKA sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136} stopsunnuke stops the sun nuke {MADE BY clone0136} heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unfreeze/Person299 Undos freeze/ {MADE BY clone0136} unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ ufo/Person/299 pulls person299 into a ufo and kills him {MADE BY clone0136} aliens/Person299 summons 4 aliens were Person299 was to kill every one {MADE BY clone0136} zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. --]] namelist = { } variablelist = { } flist = { } local source = script:FindFirstChild("source") if source ~= nil then sbbu = script.source:clone() sbbu.Disabled = false else print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction") end tools ="Model") c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className texture then local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(namelist,ack.Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) text("You're an admin.",5,"Message",ack) return else return end else danumber = danumber + 1 if danumber >= 10 then return end end end end end end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(oe) c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do oe(c[i]) end --And also, I'm working on V3 but I'm not spending much time on it as I'm addicted to Fallout 2 again.

How do you hack roblox admin games?

There is no way to hack Roblox Admin games. Hacking games on Roblox is against the sit's Terms Of Service. Attempting to hack any Roblox game can result in a ban.

How do you put scripts on a personal server in roblox?

Hello I'm Rysch from Roblox. I understand ur problem , lets see. First go to insert. then go to service. then click script and build ur script. :D In simpler terms Insert>Service>Script :D Have fun- From ur friend Rysch

Can you insert a model into any place by hacking on Roblox?

It is not called 'hacking' as such. it is exploiting and it is extremely difficult. You can do it in different ways using CE's roblox studio or other seperate applications like Fiddler or Fiddler2. However for begginers i think roblox studio would be best just go into a game and click tools-execute script ASAP and have a premade script that inserts something into the game. I myself have 3. An insert tool , an admin script, and a orb

Roblox how to be super admin for village life?

You can be a super admin if you add admin in your roblox game

How do you make a roblox password generator?

In-Game? Script it. Out-Game?

How do you change the leaderboard in roblox?

go on 'Game Objects' and get the leaderboard script.