What you do is to play the game and save up for 1,000 dollars and after that a house upgrade should pop and you get new stuff
Yes, some houses do have an upstairs. For some of the houses though, you have to pay to upgrade to 2 levels.
Well, darling, in Sims 3, you can't exactly make a venue "offline." However, you can set it as a private venue, which means only your Sims can visit. Just go to the venue's settings and select "Private Venue" to keep the riff-raff out. And voila, your Sims can party in peace without any unwanted guests crashing the joint.
In the game Sims 3, every TV has a certain channel that the others do not. If your current TV does not have the children's channel, try upgrading to a new TV. When you upgrade to a new one, the different TV's should have a channel listing by the stats section.
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
when the game tells you to upgrade you abode when you go into buy mode it simply means you need to upgrade your home. add new and nicer items into you home to upgrade you abode.
You have to upgrade it with the Generations.
if you have just started the Sims 3 you will not be able to upgrade your house yet. however when you get to a point where your Sims needs are where there supposed to be,and you have completed all your Sims wishes you will be able to. here is how 1. on the bottom left corner you will see a chair icon. 2.tap it 3.it will tell you how many simolions you need to upgrade your house. 4.if you have enough tap it and your house is upgraded. IMPORTANT you can only upgrade your house twice TNATROPMI
You have too have Sims 2 business.
if you want to buy the sims 3 (for pc) be prepared to spend money on a new graphics card or a new pc.altough the game is brilliant you still need to be able to run it. the sims 2 is good but it doesnt beat sims 3 the answer to your question is-get the sims 3,even though you have to upgrade,it worth it.
can you upgrade your house on sims 2 pets on ps2 i dont think soo
You can try and get a better computer, or try and upgrade your drivers. In the back of the manual there are some websites where you can upgrade them.
no, it is a standalone game
Not with the video on the mother board. It requires a video upgrade, in the agp slot
Sims 3 is sensitive to your graphics card. If your graphics card is not good enough, sims 3 will shut down. there are various on-line boards that discuss the issue but it seems they commonly point to a necessary upgrade to either your whole computer, or a replacement of your graphics card.
You can not free roam on the sims 2. Well you have to be on a lot like a house or some kind of property but you may roam on the sims 3 where ever you want unlike the sims 2.
Yes, some houses do have an upstairs. For some of the houses though, you have to pay to upgrade to 2 levels.
Well, darling, in Sims 3, you can't exactly make a venue "offline." However, you can set it as a private venue, which means only your Sims can visit. Just go to the venue's settings and select "Private Venue" to keep the riff-raff out. And voila, your Sims can party in peace without any unwanted guests crashing the joint.