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Double clicking a zipped file will unzip it. Be aware that the Pivot stick animation software only works with the Windows operating system and will not work on Mac OS X. However Stykz is similar software available for the Mac that can import some Pivot animations. (See links below)

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Q: How do you unzip pivot stick download?
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Where to download pivot stick animation?

you can download it at

How do you get stick figue animator?

Go on google and type Pivot and look for pivot download and download and install it

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What is the website to play stick figure animator called?

*pivot is not a game on a must download it. *if you want to download it, go on and type in pivot stick figure animator.

Is pivot a game?

no, it is a stick figure animator which, if you ask me is quiet intertaining. you can download pivot in google.

Can you download pivot stick figure animator on to a psp?

no but you can put pivot animations.i hope it help.

How do you download pivot stick figure animator?

you are so gay

Can you play pivot stick figure with out download?

Go on stick and search for it in the search box on that website and you can play it there with no download.

Where can you download pivot stick animator?

For the safest download I would reccommend: Pivot 1: <none so far (please fill in)> Pivot 2.2.5: Pivot 3 Beta: legokid101

Where can you download weapons for stick pivot 2 free?

by goin to

Can you download pivot stickfigure animator onto a usb stick?

Of course you can!