If you mean delete YOUR account then you just mail the contact us staff at the bottom of the page and ask them to freeze or ban your account.
You can NOT permenatley DElete your account
You can visit disco.comlu.com for all the latest restocking times on Marapets :)
You get banned on Marapets from begging other players and being disruptive. Also, you can get caught cheating
There are three ways to get Bp on marapets ~trading ~playing certain games ~battling with trading cards
Marapets was supposedly created by Ian and Laimay, meant for just a friend site, but it eventually grew and now has more then 1 million users. Although it is not sure for certain who actually created marapets.
As they change considerably, the most accurate answer would be to ask in the "Pets" subforum of the "Marapets Chat" forum.
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You go to the the marapets website. It's a fun virtual pet world. Its a free sign up, to get there go to the marapets website.
Marapets has no passwords required, unlike Neopets.
Go to tubelycom's channel and then go to edit subscriptions, and there should be a button that say's "Unsubscribe" or "Unsubscribe from tubelycom".
unsubscribe friends zone
No. It is not possible for Neopets to have copied Marapets as Neopets was around first. Neopets came into existence in 1997, Marapets came around in 2004.
MaraPets is a free virtual pet site where you can dress up dolls. TO get rich on MaraPets, you must go questing often.
Neopets, for sure is a website very close to Marapets.
i do club layouts on marapets for 50,000 and my username is maxyz