Those letters unscramble to make England -a country.
The scrambled letters are missing an E.The anagram for bssjailciee would be Jessica Biel.
Jennifer Lopez.
The letters unscramble into three words:Buran (Spacecraft name)UnbarUrban
The letters unscramble into four words:Andric (Name)CardinDracinRancid
The letters 'eomrs' unscramble to spell morse.You can also spell mores and omers from these letters.
Those letters spell xylophone.
There is no city on the planet spelt with the letters "yorkmne".However, if you meant "yorkWne", then the answer is New York.The letters yorkmne themselves unscramble to form the word monkery.
drew barrymore
Those letters spell the name Florence.
The letters 'iamdnatal' unscramble to spell the word dalmation.A dalmation is a spotty breed of dog.
The unscrambled word is the name of a person/town: Richmond.
The anagram is Sour Patch Kids.
Those letters can be used to spell "Kirstie Alley".