ddghwhefhehjhgekjhekhekhemk, kjrfnekwtxujdcerfe erfctr gvbujte5dmh sde4rtcdx etnhrcfydfccyucyf
They call it Super Mario Bros Wii for a reason
beat and unlock all the other levels. my mom is the Mario master
Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario World Super Mario Land Super Mario World 2 Super Mario Land 2 Super Mario 64 Super Mario Sunshine New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Galaxy New Super Mario Bros. Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2
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There are nine worlds in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. When you get all of the Star Coins in World One you unlock World Nine Level One and so on. World Nine is like Rainbow Road on Mario Kart.
you first have to unlock sonic
You play the game.
There's no World 9 on New Super Mario Bros. for DS. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, World 9 is unlocked after you rescue Princess Peach.
Wario is not in New Super Mario Bros.
How do you get to world 4 on super mario bros ds?
They call it Super Mario Bros Wii for a reason
beat and unlock all the other levels. my mom is the Mario master
Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario World Super Mario Land Super Mario World 2 Super Mario Land 2 Super Mario 64 Super Mario Sunshine New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Galaxy New Super Mario Bros. Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2
All you have to do is go to the world 2 castle and beat the boss with mini Mario
ask someone else...
Sprites used in Super Mario Bros X is from Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario World, and Legend of Zelda 2.
no, but you can unlock Dr. Mario in Super Smash Bros. Melee by completing Challenge Mode with Mario.