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To unlock Trainer Hill, you have to beat the elite four and the champion of hoenn and i think you have to have a frontier pass, which you have to get it from a receptionist at the battle frontier entrance.

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Q: How do you unlock trainer hill in Pokemon emerald?
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Where is the trainer hill in Pokemon Ruby?

There is no Trainer Hill in Pokemon Ruby. Trainer Hill is only in Pokemon Emerald.

What do you do in the trainer hill in Pokemon emerald?

kill pokermans

How do you play in trainer hill in Pokemon emerald?

To play in trainer hill you have to defeat the elite four and then when you go there it will be unlocked.

How do you get in Trainer hill in Pokemon emerald?

Beat the Elite Four and get the National Pokedex

Where is the trainer hill in Pokemon emerald?

The trainer hill is by mauville city- you have to north of mauville and when you get to the grass patch- go right- -----you have to beat the elite four to use the hill

Pokemon emerald where is trainer hill?

just north of mauville or east of lavaridge. east of the winstrate families house

What happens when you beat trainer hill in emerald?

This true you will receive 6 Pokemon in a guy who own the trainer hill.He will give you an Charizard,Blastoise,Venasaur,Typlosion,Feraligator,andMeganium.Tha's all

Where is trainer hill in Pokemon Emerald?

in mauville city you head to the top on to route 111 fight two people go up steps and take a right and there is a green place and that's it

When does the trainers hill open in Pokemon emerald?

beat the elite four

In emerald version when does the old man at trainer hill form a tag team with you?

hell to the no. he's nothing at all

How do you get bloody tickit on Pokemon Emerald?

I'm not all that sure about how you get it.(problabe an event)But if you get to the island you climb a hill and belive it or not YOU WILL FIND A MEW IN EMERALD!!!!

Is there a trainer who uses a torchic in a Pokemon battle on Pokemon edmerald?

Yes there is your rival if you pick Treecko or at battle hill after you beat the Elite 4