There are many websites on the Internet that claim to have a hacked version of Robozou. However, use caution and be wary of viruses.
each game has its own unlock code and youhave to unlock the game to get the codeeach game has its own unlock codeand buy the game to get it
im sure that you need to UNLOCK someone in the game.
you just put in unlock everything
if you play it in Funny gmaes 18 you will see the walk trought... the walk trought sais that all movements takes 5 minutes but in the shoping mall takes 4 so you have to enter at 16:31. i wish i can unlock her too.
There are many websites on the Internet that claim to have a hacked version of Robozou. However, use caution and be wary of viruses.
you have to have a teacher administrator unlock it for you at a nearby high school
each game has its own unlock code and youhave to unlock the game to get the codeeach game has its own unlock codeand buy the game to get it
Ask your teacher.
I think you have to beat the game to unlock him!
im sure that you need to UNLOCK someone in the game.
you just put in unlock everything
You can't unlock him in the TNA impact game because he is not in it! But hopefully next game he will be their!
Sometimes the code to unlock is the phase "I like this game"