you talk to prof. Elm who gives you a S.S. ticket to get on a boat from Olivine City to go to Kanto you can only do that after you have beaten the elite 4 and Lance the champion.
You cannot go unlock the Underground Path in HG/SS because you don't actually need it, since you can go through Saffron City.
you can get swinub at the ice path in johto region.
you go tobmahogny town then catch the red gayrodoes then go where lance is hes in the hous by the Pokemon center then stop the wiered noise then goin the gym and figer out the ice path then battle pryce good luck THAT IS TOTALLY WRONG! The question says KANTO! Not JOHTO!
You have to go to it but nothing happends
in the ice path
win all 8 gym badges , meet prof.Oak and surf east from ur home.
You cannot go unlock the Underground Path in HG/SS because you don't actually need it, since you can go through Saffron City.
You cant its not possible
To don't. You go to professor elm and he will give yo an s.s. ticket to go on a boat. Then go to olvine city and go on a ship and it will take you to vermillion city in Kanto.
you can get swinub at the ice path in johto region.
May 6-June 26 2010 over wi-fi
because there is no underground in Kanto
you have to beat soulsilver/ johto first and gain the ability to use the last hm, waterfall. then you go to where he is, and enter the cave, and use your hm skills to get through the cave and exit into kanto region. i be Amy
you get the tea from the old lady in the city with the casino and you give it to one of the guards near saffron city and then all of them will let you through.
Check the Safari Zone. I found mine in the Savannah area. :) Also check around the Kanto region on the route coming out of the Bike Path. They are also on Route 28 (I believe) which is when leaving the Safari Zone. Hope that helped--Taylor
get to the kanto region and find a boat at cinnabar island go to i think one island and then follow the path to mt. ember then at the end moltres will be waiting for you!
You get to Mt. Silver by defeating all 8 Kanto gym leaders and going to see Professor Oak. He will say that he will arrange for you to be able to go to Mt. Silver. You then go to the Victory road and take the path that was opened up on the left.