In harvest moon ds and ds cute you get the mines by going to the excavation site either early in the morning or late at night after 9 o' clock with your hammer equipped. It can rain or shine, I think, but don't quote me on that.
Jessica Z
(Put names here)
There are no mines in Harvest Moon Save the Homeland.
Befriend Flora 250+ points. At 11:00 walk into the mines. You will get a cutscene
You have to have passed the first two mines first and then go into the mine before 8am or after 9pm and you will see the same event you sawto open the first two mines.
Behind your farm, near the waterfall and mines.
you go into the mines at 9pm. good luck:)
There are no mines in Harvest Moon Save the Homeland.
In the mines.
Befriend Flora 250+ points. At 11:00 walk into the mines. You will get a cutscene
somewhere in the mines
You have to have passed the first two mines first and then go into the mine before 8am or after 9pm and you will see the same event you sawto open the first two mines.
Get a hoe, and go to the mines. Hoe the mines to dig.
After 9.00 PM (but not too late) visit the mines. carter will be in need of your hammer skill. the cutscene that follows will unlock the mines. *THERE IS ALL THE ORES UP TO MYSTRILE IN THE FIRST MINE*
First of all you have to unlock the mines. There are 4 in total and you unlock them by speaking to Carter, early on a Saturday morning. Once you have done this you will have unlocked the first mine. You have to do this each time to unlock the next mine. Hope this helps. :)
if u are talking about harvest moon ds, they are across the bridge and then to the north to the right of the tent. you have to unlock the first one by going in between 9pm and 11pm(i think) and the guy will talk to you. the others r unlocked when you reach the last level of the previous one. if you are talking about harvest moon for the gamecube, its pretty much the same. you cross the bridge and go up the side of the river until you see the tent.if you are talking about harvest moon for the gameboy advance, take the road under your farm and go to the spring. there is a cave there that is the mines.
You can unlock this channel by finding 20 Sprites.
You can got to the site in "Related Links" to see how to unlock each Harvest Sprite.
You can get diamonds or whatever the blue stuff is.