To unlock the lab it must be at least 15th May. When the time will come, Chancellor Sheppard will e-mail you... I hope I helped....
In order to get the philosophers stone Sabatier in Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginning of Destiny you will need to search for the code and once found you will enter it in the lab. After this is done, the card will appear.
All I know is that 1 is "Bluswirl" & another is "wishword."
once you beat the elite four, you go back the the lab and get the SS ticket. take the boat and you'll end up in vermillion
You have to evolve a Chimchar, which you can get at Professor Rowan's Lab at the beginning of the game. Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 14. Monferno evolves into Infernape at level 36
Below are examples of hmt lab questions: What does mat lab do? How are solutions expressed in mat lab? Viva questions in hmt lab are: What is mat lab? What does mat lab stands for?
In order to get the philosophers stone Sabatier in Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginning of Destiny you will need to search for the code and once found you will enter it in the lab. After this is done, the card will appear.
u unlock a lab and u do it there
yes codes for cards i think you need to unlock some lab or something but for the codes look on "Gamefaqs"
Yes, you get the black lab along with the chocolate and yellow lab, at least you do when you get them at the beginning of the game, so I'm sure that you get it when you unlock it, too.
It's the password machine in the lab (it appears in 15th May)
its a mod.
You enter them in the password machine in the lab (Rental Only)
At the beginning of the lab, the foil is uncharged.
Go in the lab, go down all the stairs. Turn right. You will see a gate. I have never got intoo it so, there's your answer.
out side the lab in the mystery nest iitem
To unlock music in Sonic Lost World 3DS get the red rings. Then you can listen to in Tails Lab.
intially 5000/-PM. atleast