You must first go on outlands. Then pick either letter f or sir colin then right before go press up then just hold and land wheelies.
To activate the cheats for Cyclomaniacs, click on cheats then choose one of the X's. Whatever cheat was ticked will be activated.
if your talking about the code the unlock code for it so you can play it as long as you want it is.............................yh3k-wng4-4kfa
There are many websites that offer various codes for Polar Bowler for Wild tangent. However, these are not legitimate codes. The codes that come from the game themselves are the ones that can be trusted to play the game.
what is the cheat for the bowler brothers
U Dont
get 30 secs of air on moon level :)
beat story after story until you beat them all and unlock super sonic
Total wheelie time of 10 seconds on Volcania:Up the Mountain
Bowler Hat. Created by someone in England but had the Bowler brothers make them. The brothers named after them.
fall 30 times in level 1 Dunes then you unlock secret map and character.
Who is code to unlock Shrek 2:Oger BowlerWho is code to unlock Shrek 2:Oger Bowler
You have to get cycle king or someone that is good at rear wheelies or letter f who is good at front wheelies, and let everyone get ahead of you at the beginning but while you do, wheelie