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Q: How do you unlock super sonicsonic riders?
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Can you get super silver in sonic riders zero gravity?

you can not but you can unlock super sonic

How do you unlock jet unlock in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

If you're thinking of the Sonic Riders character, you cannot unlock him in Brawl.

How can you unlock super sonic in sonic riders 1?

Get all gold medals on all missions By Hunter Ho

How do you unlock Super Sonic in Sonic Riders without doing the missons?

Impossible to obtain Super Sonic without getting Gold rank in all missions.

How do you unlock super sonic on sonic riders zero gravity?

get extreme ranks on missions then you unlock the chaos emerald gear. use that and you'll turn into super sonic if you have rings. if you have 0 rings you'll have to run. (cant use on any characters but super sonic!

How do you unlock cream in sonic riders?

u can not

Can you get super shadow in sonic riders?

no you get super sonic

How do you unlock siver on sonic riders?

Silver is not in Sonic Riders. However, he is unlockable in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity by completing the Babylon story.

How do you unlock sheen in super brawl?

you can't unlock him in super brawl summer you only unlock him in super fall brawl

Sonic riders zero gravity how to get super sonic by using cheats?

You can't but if you get all extreme ranks on all missions then you can unlock him (it is only usable by sonic) By Hunter Ho

How do you unlock all the characters on sonic riders zero gravity?

you need to beat the game to unlock them

How do you unlock sheen in super summer brawl?

you can't unlock him in super brawl summer you only unlock him in super fall brawl