First you have to unlock all characters and ten go to samus and hold L, R, and Z on the gamecube controller and change her color to blue but still hold down l, r, and z. Pick ness with a green hat and choose the stage to final destination. Enjoy!
About as hot as an all-age video game character can ever be.
beat yoshi with mario 2 times with out losing 2 lives
When you are Samus, aquire the smash ball, thus shooting a massive beam destroying your chozo Armour and leaving you with Zero suit Samus. then im pretty sure you can switch between the two at the character selection screen, but you must hold a button, but im not too sure.
People with a sexual inclination toward women typically think so.
you dont
You Cant as far as i know
No clue, but zero suit samus looks hot though.
1. You can't unlock Samus or meta knight 2. You can unlock captain falcon by winning a brawl with every character then he will challenge you on sand ocean
if you like a virtual woman who looks unrealistic
Beat tabuu with samus aran 3 on hard
They haven't made samus aran on it but if you download ssf2 you open one of the paint types open with paint and paste you samus aran sprite then play the ssf2
About as hot as an all-age video game character can ever be.
You can't. Link and Toon Link have a color that looks kinda evil so technically that is a dark character...ish.
The pirates hot down Samus because she was an intruder on there planet.
1: unlock all 35 characters 2: chose samus and hold down a shield button untlil U R there 3: your her!