If Renji Was Meant To Appear As A Playable Character, He Appears As An Assist Trophy Instead
You cannot unlock vegeta in ssf2. You might get him in the full game
I'm pretty sure Knuckles isn't in SSF2.
I do not think He Is in the Game. (From:Shadid)
Im not sure but its not v.o8b
Bah!!! He is in it........oh you ment how to unlock him i think do the ssf2 adventure mode with sonic or do five event matches with him by volt
you can,t unlock coin mode on ssf2
You cannot unlock vegeta in ssf2. You might get him in the full game
I'm pretty sure Knuckles isn't in SSF2.
You dont have to unlock it if you have SSF 2 V0.8
You Cant as far as i know
you can't
Characters you can unlock in ssf2 demo v0.8b are samus,bowser and captian falcon.
wow retared you dont unlock it you download it
You Cant as far as i know
I do not think He Is in the Game. (From:Shadid)
You cant. Its impossible.
Do classic mode without dying