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You need to find the 2 big rocks next to each other. There is a pair on first beach, and next to the shipwreck (I think it's called shipwreck lagoon). Walk up to the 2 big rocks and the option to build a crafting bench will appear as long as you have driftwood in your inventory. Select build, and voila!

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Q: How do you unlock crafting bench 1 on sims castaway?
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On sims 2 castaway how do you make the crafting bench1?

when you first arrive you need to pick up 1 drift wood and walk over to the two standing up rocks and press make crafting bench. then after completing some goals you unlock bamboo crafting bench.

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For the chisels (one is metal and one is stone), you must need the Level 2 Crafting Bench (Bamboo Crafting Bench) or Level 3 Crafting Bench (Hardwood Crafting Bench). Just make them and you are done.NOTE: You need the chisels to go to Geyser Rock. Hope this helped! ^_^

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beat the game you get a chaft bench here is a faster way to get it type this cheat code bench helper it gives you a wood bench and 100 cocnuts

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any shirt with shells that is made with the crafting bench 2 (the wood one)

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Twine is not an object or a plant. You find sisal first, then you make twine on a crafting bench.

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You have to put all of the hieroglyphics's together at the crafting bench and then take it to the door

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How do you get a crafting bench 2 in Sims castaway 2 psp?

Press start and go to plans and ideas then go to object plans then scroll across to special plans and it will say bamboo crafting bench click that and your sim will make it, but you need 15 bamboo and 14 vine. hope this helps :)

How do you get married in sims castaway?

get the ralationship to 100 first. then, go to a crafting bench and make two marriage beanies and two white leis (under clothing). have both sims wear the beanies and leis, and have one propose to the other.