

Best Answer

hmm huh oh yah!u go to the giftshop and look in the catalog.1st page

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Q: How do you unlock colour change on club penguin?
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What should you do to get the white color on club penguin?

change the colour of your penguin

How much does it cost to change your penguin colour on club penguin?

20 coins

How do you change the colour of hair on club penguin?

I think only moderators can, sorry.

What are the answers to unlock items from Club Penguin?

Club Penguin SGary

How do you get a puffel from a code on club penguin?

You have to buy a toy of a puffle and enter the code to unlock the item online. The colour of the puffle depends on the colour you get online.

How do you unlock cards on Club Penguin?

To unlock cards you go to the Disney store then you enter the code on unlock items online on club penguin

How do you unlock the treasury book on club penguin?

To unlock a Treasure book on Club Penguin, you need to purchase a Club Penguin toy. This toy comes with a code you can redeem to unlock a certain treasure book.Double Mvp

What do you get with unlock codes?

Club Penguin unlock goodies!

Where do you buy a new color for your penguin in Club Penguin?

AnswerYou can get a new colour for your penguin at the Gift Shop in the Town Center. When you get to the Gift Shop, you can either walk over to the change rooms on the left or click on the catalog on the bottom right of the Club Penguin screen. I believe the colours are in the first page of the catalog. When you bought the colour(s) you want, it will be in your inventory and you can change your colour. To open up your inventory, you click on your penguin. Your old colour will also be there in case you want to change back.

How can you be rainbow color on Club Penguin?

This is not possible. There is no rainbow colour on club penguin.

How do you get things that only members can get in club penguin?

You can unlock them with stuffed club penguin characters

How do you unlock codes on Club Penguin?

You have to buy club penguin toys at the store and then you will get codes.