You must buy The Cards.
Paladin armor is for free and member. There is a cheat you can do. You also have to be level 10 warrior and healer to use it.
about 1000 gold
you must do the necropolis storyline and have 10 undead slayer badges to unlock it. same goes for paladin and death knight.
38 = Paladin Class Shop ID 15 = Yulgar Paladin Storeroom
Its 475852304548 mine is that
I would prefer evolved shaman it is way better then paladin by overall spells.
You must buy The Cards.
Paladin armor is for free and member. There is a cheat you can do. You also have to be level 10 warrior and healer to use it.
about 1000 gold
Well i think it can be evolved Clawsuit,pumpkin lord and Paladin.
Lol You must be a member on aqw to access etherstorm!
get rank 10 healer and warrior and rank 5 good