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on the psp version you can unlock him by using cw cheat(Google it), on tekken 5 for ps3, beat the game once with anyone

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Q: How do you unlock Jinpachi?
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How do you unlock jinpachi tekken 5?

You can't play as Jinpachi in Tekken 5.

How do you get jinpachi on tekken 5 dark resurrection?

You can unlock jinpachi by using cwcheat

How do you get Jinpachi in Takken 5?

you can't unlock him in tekken 5

Who is the the character you can unlock on tekken 5 dark resurrection?

Jinpachi is unlockable

How do you unlock jinpaichi in tekken on ps2?

you unlock jinpachi can in tekken 5 (dark resurrection) but in the normal tekken 5 you cannot unlock him.

Yes you have all characters tekken lord rank what can you do for unlock jinpachi in tekken 5?

You can't unlock jinpachi in tekken 5. He's usable if you chance upon him picking random characters. He is unlockable in tekken 5 dark resurrection, though.

Is jinpachi in tekken 6?

yes, it is possible there is a cheat on that allows you to unlock jinpachi

How do you unlock jinpachi tekken 5ps2 and proof?

You can't really unlock him, there seems to be a cheat for him, but not on the original game itself, so you can't really.

Is jinpachi a playable character?

the only way to unlock jinpachi is to use game codes that stuff up your game(actoin replay/gameshark ect.) or maybye if u get everything in the is a mystery

Are heihachi and jinpachi one person?

No,Jinpachi is Heiachi's father.

How old was Jinpachi when Heihachi was born?

Jinpachi's age is unknown.

How old was Jinpachi when Jin was born?

Jinpachi's age is unknown.