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If you having trouble unlocking boards Peach Jessica Dragon Lord and Patty a easy way to get them is to set your computer Mii to Super Skilled and Supreme stock for your Role and that other one then start the board you need help on and go do something else till game over so you wont be temp to stop the Mii or the game when I did that my Mii got first place on standard on the lava board for Dragon Quest and it got 2nd place for Mario Kart board giving me the special tour since the game cheat and I was tired I let the Mii did all the work and it work so I though fight computer with computer and so far been winning hope that help anyone that read this oh and another thing you don't have to get first place to unlock the player you just have to follow the victory challenge some of them say you have to either win first or 2nd and some of them you have to be first 2nd or 3rd but being last wont win you anything but a few dollar so in order to get Dragon Lord and Patty have to get to special tour and beat the boards you unlock them on to get Peach it on her board have to be first or 2nd Jessica Robin Hood Ruin hope that help again.

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