As Ultimate Flash Sonic was created in 2004, it is impossible to get Blaze as she was not a character until 2005.
The code to unlock shadow on ultimate flash Sonic is 595313131313131.
sei la
you can't unlock super shadow in this game.
Sorry, but there is no character as 'super sonic' in the game ultimate flash sonic, the only unlock-able characters are Amy Rose and Shadow The Hedgehog. For all the unlocked characters+all cheats+the full Juke box type in the password 595313131313131.
you cant hes not in the game at all
The code to unlock shadow on ultimate flash Sonic is 595313131313131.
finish the game
you can't
sei la
no super sonic in the game
To unlock her(Amy Rose on Ultimate Flash Sonic),You must finish Main game with all characters.
595313131313131 can be used to unlock EVERYTHING.
you can't unlock super shadow in this game.
Entering this: 59531313131313 into the password menu will unlock everything.
no darkspine sonic in ultimate flash sonic
He is not in Ultimate Flash Sonic.
Sorry, but there is no character as 'super sonic' in the game ultimate flash sonic, the only unlock-able characters are Amy Rose and Shadow The Hedgehog. For all the unlocked characters+all cheats+the full Juke box type in the password 595313131313131.