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you can't.

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Q: How do you turn the sound off on bloons tower defense 4?
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How do you turn sound off on bloons tower defense 4?

you can't.

Why did you turn into a sun god in bloons super monkey?

This is because in Bloons Tower Defense games, that is the last upgrade for Super Monkey.

How do you kill camo balloons on bloons tower defense 4?

To kill camo balloons you need to use road spikes and then the camo bloons will turn into pink balloons .After that your towers will be able to fire at them

How do you hack bloons tower defence 5?

first turn of your computer and log in as soon as you can

How do you get top secret in bloons tower defense 3?

First you buy the regular monkey beacon, then you upgrade it fully. Once you have done that the question mark at the bottom of the screen will turn into a B with lightning coming out. It works best when your screen is full of balloons and you are afraid that you will lose lives. You can simply just put it on the screen and nine monkeys will flt and wipe out everything but the blimps with brown balloons.

What to do if tiny tower has no sound effects?

If Tiny Tower has no sound effects, you can try restarting the app or your device to see if that resolves the issue. Make sure that the sound settings in the game are turned on and that your device's volume is up. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app to see if that fixes the sound issues.

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You don't.

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they turn you into zombies

How do you turn your sanyo vpc-51085 digital camera sound on?

you can't turn the sound on when you upload the videos to your computer then the sound goes on

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Turn off sound

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It could be for defense, mating. or camouflage

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