This applies on not just Minecraft 1.6.1, but all versions of Minecraft prior to the update of 3rd person. To get off 3rd person, you must press f5. You may then go into a different angle. Press f5 again and you'll be back to 1st person mode.
f5 goes into 3rd person, f5 again goes into backwards 3rd person, and f5 again goes into 1st person.
You can only turn off the rain if cheats are enabled. If they are, the command is /toggledownfall
turn off the firewall is all you can do.
You press E or Escape on the keyboard.
To turn off chat in Minecraft multiplayer you can type /ch off in the chat box. This will disable the chat feature for you and you will not see any messages including join messages as well as private messages.
This applies on not just Minecraft 1.6.1, but all versions of Minecraft prior to the update of 3rd person. To get off 3rd person, you must press f5. You may then go into a different angle. Press f5 again and you'll be back to 1st person mode.
f5 goes into 3rd person, f5 again goes into backwards 3rd person, and f5 again goes into 1st person.
You can only turn off the rain if cheats are enabled. If they are, the command is /toggledownfall
The button "O".
/gamerule mobGriefing false
turn off the firewall is all you can do.
You press E or Escape on the keyboard.
/gamemode a
You can't turn off the timer since it's a demo game.
No but is you get Optifine you can
You change your game mode to survival or adventure