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Im not exactly sure but i would guess type it in again or back out to menu and load back

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Q: How do you turn off cheats in portal?
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How do you turn off cheats in Avatar the Last Airbender video game......or is there no way to do that?

Only way to turn off the cheats is to turn off the game console and then back on again. The cheats will only stay active until you either turn off the system or exit out of the game entirely

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There are no cheats in Portal.

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turn off the game and turn it back on

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Actually, no.

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yes they do

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You can only turn off the rain if cheats are enabled. If they are, the command is /toggledownfall

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the only cheats are to pause it (a,b), and to turn the sound off(a,c)

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Try completing them then go on options then you will find cheats you can turn on and off.

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enter the cheat again

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you got to the cheat menu and click it!

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You can turn the cheats off in this game by using a sequence of pushes on the directional pad. The directions are down, up, left, right, right.

Can you take cheats of Avatar the Last Airbender the burning earth?

The only way to turn off the cheats is to either turn off the game console or exit the game entirely by going to the console's main menu