2 ways: Disconnect the batteries from the wii remote, Press the HOME button and go to wii remote and then you can click a button that goes to the reconnect screen this automatically turns the wii remote off.
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
YES! Press the Home button on the remote, go down to Wii Remote settings, press A and there should be a Wii Remote sound setting
If your Wii remote is synced with your Wii, all you have to do is press any button on it.If your Wii remote is not synced with your Wii, select Wii Remote Settings > Reconnect and then press the 1 and 2 buttons to connect your Wii remote.
If your Wii remote doesn't turn on then you 1. Check to make sure it has batteries. 2. check to make sure your Wii is working and everything is plugged in. 3. maybe haven't synced it yet and you need to open the front flap and push down the little red button. wait for the lights to stop flashing on the Wii remote, and it should turn on. if not try again. 4. Your Wii remote is broken and you should replace it.
turn wii off first sync the remote to the wii by pressing the ped sync button in the wii remote (next to the batterys) and the second red sync button next to the sd card slot. then power wii up insert game and go to disk channel launch game and press A during the wrist strap warning or the black ops intro. should work
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
YES! Press the Home button on the remote, go down to Wii Remote settings, press A and there should be a Wii Remote sound setting
Go in to home by pressing the home butten on your wii remote, press on wii remote settings at the bottom and press on the rumble feature in the middle.
because it is a 1 player game
Try giving it new batteries. Then turn it back on.
If your Wii remote is synced with your Wii, all you have to do is press any button on it.If your Wii remote is not synced with your Wii, select Wii Remote Settings > Reconnect and then press the 1 and 2 buttons to connect your Wii remote.
when the wii is on the light is green and when is off normally it would be red but mines is orange the system seems to turn off but is working on the inside i know the game is still working as the charger of the remote is still working like it if was on that sould not work off
You'll know when the batteries die when either your Wii suddenly turns off, or your wii remote stops working.
If your Wii remote doesn't turn on then you 1. Check to make sure it has batteries. 2. check to make sure your Wii is working and everything is plugged in. 3. maybe haven't synced it yet and you need to open the front flap and push down the little red button. wait for the lights to stop flashing on the Wii remote, and it should turn on. if not try again. 4. Your Wii remote is broken and you should replace it.
Usually it turns off after you turn off the Wii, but if you accidentally turn on extra controllers while playing, you can just pop the back cover open and pull a battery out of place. Either that, or you can go to the Home screen, disconnect all controllers, and only connect the ones you want to use.
Turn on the Wii and open the case on the back of the 2nd Wii remote and you will find a red button that says sync. Then open the little door on the front of your Wii,and you will find another red button. Press the red sync button on both the Wii and Wii remote at the same time. After all that, the 2nd light on the 2nd Wii remote should light up blue
shake the wii remote right after you go off a jump