The only way to change them back into an adult is by pressing ctrl+alt+c and then typing in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true exactly as I have it. Then, go to any Sim family with an elder you want to be an adult again. Next, shift click the elder and click 'spawn'. Next, you MUST press next... and then you must click Sim Modder. After the standing baby appears, you'll know the Sim Modder is here. Click the standing baby and then click Age... and choose Me, (your sims name will appear after me,) and then pick the age you want your elder or any other sims you'd like to be.
thank you so much!
i did have the cheat but my mum deleted it by accident D: lol
youve saved my sims :D
at least till i can turn the aging off when the teens grow up :)
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if you get to a point in gardening skill where you can grow life fruit, you can eat it to live longer and possibly turn younger
If you mean on Sims 2 then you have to have the University expansion pack, then make a teen Sim go to college and they will turn into a young adult Sim. If it's on Sims 3, then I am not sure, sorry.
No, elder Sims can not get pregnant.
You can't reverse ageing, even with cheats, but you can turn aging off in the options screen, sorry man :(
Baby---->3 days Toddler---->4 days Child---->6 days Teenager----> 18 days Adult----> 29 days Elder---->50+ days
if you get to a point in gardening skill where you can grow life fruit, you can eat it to live longer and possibly turn younger
Your Sim can get pregnant throughout the time that it is an adult. However it cannot get pregnant the last three or so days of its adulthood. A male elder Sim can sometimes get an adult female Sim pregnant, but it is a much smaller chance of the Sim getting pregnant. Hope this helps!
Every certain amount of time your Sim will go on to a next developmnet stage. First you have baby Sims. Aging will eventually turn the baby an infant. After infant comes child. After child comes teen. After teen comes young adult. After young adult comes adult. After adult comes elder. After elder comes death. This does not happen in like 2 days, and you can change the settings of the game in order that the sim's life cycle is of 90, 180, or 270 Sim-days. If you turn aging off, babies stay babies, infants stay infants, children stay children,etc.
The cast of The Sims 2 - 2004 includes: David Boat as Adult Male Sim 2 Jack Conte as Teenage Male Sim Zoe Galvez as Adult Female Sim 2 Stephen Kearin as Adult Male Sim 1 Gerri Lawlor as Adult Female Sim 1 Donna Le Tourneau as Sim Thessaly Lerner as Teenage Female Sim Liz Mamorsky as Elder Female Sim Nikki Rapp as Child Sim Phil Sheridan as Sim
If your sim has a baby it starts out as a baby. Then it goes to child, onto teen, then young adult, then adult, then elder and then death!
Press ctrl+shift+c to open then the cheat menu then type in testingCheatsenabled true (capitals don't matter) then shift+ctrl click on the sim and select edit sim in create a sim then you can edit them to a toddler, kid, teen, young adult, adult, or elder
Sims CD Rom: at least 12 Sims online: at least 16 Sims DS game: at least 10 although the rating says teen, the game is really fun for kids. there is the issue of kissing, but that's about it
On the Sims 3 for Wii, you cannot buy Expansion packs, so unfortunately you're unable to turn your sims into Vampires, or anything on the PC Expansion pack, Surpernatural (werewolf, zombie, wizard/witch, fairy, vampire, ghost) or the genie. Your Sim can turn into a Child, Teen, Adult, or Elder, so it can age up. Sorry!
Its truly impossible, if you really want an older sim to make out with a younger sim make the man first wait a while until he only has 20 days left until turning into an elder, and then make a girl that will have 29 days left and he'll still be older than her. Sure only by days but its way better than him being an elder and her being an adult.
There isn't exactly actual *Ages* but your sim grows up in stages. Baby-toddler-child-teen-young adult-adult-elder. Or, If you have The sims 3 for wii, -> Child-teen-adult elder. (Pretty boring I know!!)
You can't '
If you mean on Sims 2 then you have to have the University expansion pack, then make a teen Sim go to college and they will turn into a young adult Sim. If it's on Sims 3, then I am not sure, sorry.