first you need a Pokemon that knows the wove you put it in the front of your party. then look at its summery. go to its moves and press the a button on earth quake .
In second room in Sealed Chamber, make your party pokemon, Wailord first, and last in Relicanth. Then, read the braille.
first bring a relicanth and a wailord. place relicanth at the big box at the left then place wailord at the bottom box of your Pokemon team. then press a to the top braille at the first chamber then a passage will appear. enter it then press "a" to the top braille... TADAA the braille puzzle have benn unlocked
go to the sealed chamber and get relichant in front and wailord in last......
When you're in the Sealed Chamber, Relicanth should be first and Wailord should be last.
You must solve the mystery of the Sealed Chamber first. You must catch a Relicanth(Underwater, Super Rare), a Wailord(Surf/Fish, Rare or evolve Wailmer), and a Pokemon that knows Dig(Also teach your Wailord/Relicanth Dive). Go to Pacificdlog Town and Surf in the currents. You will see a dark spot. Use Dive. You are now underwater. Go to the braille in the north end of the chamber and use Dig. The door will open. Next go to the braille in the north part of the last room and read it with Relicanth first in your party and Wailord last. That will trigger an earthquake. Go to the desert and walk south. There will be a cave with a door. Go in and find Regirock.
Use a Pokemon who knows an earthquake.
In second room in Sealed Chamber, make your party pokemon, Wailord first, and last in Relicanth. Then, read the braille.
go to routes 120,111,105 and search for them
you must show the old man the magma symbol
Bring a Relicanth and Wailord to the Sealed Chamber and an earthquake should go off. This unlocks the island cave. ^_^
you need to get to the sealed chamber look up sealed chamber to find out more
By going to the underwater Sealed Chamber, which is located south-west of Pacifidlog Town. Have Relicanth first in your party and Wailord last in your party, get in the Sealed Chamber and read the writtings in the second room. to get past the first room use dig at the top.
No, your friend is a fuxing liar
So that nobody could find the entrance and rob the chamber. They were sealed after the pharaoh's funeral.
capture a relikanth near sootopolis and a wailord.then keep relikanth at the last place of your party and wailord at first ,then read the code,if an earthquake happens ,you are right
In the Sealed Chamber, there are multiple braille clues for you to uncover. These clues tell you how to get into the Chambers of Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, respectively.
It can trigger a tsunami.