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Most of the Unown alphabet letters look like our normal letters.But if you can read some of them,look on a website.Type in : Unown alphabet

If you need the inscription in the cave it says: First floor:

Top Right

Lower Left

Top Right

Top Left

Top Left

Lower Left

Then at the last room where the poke-balls are(items) it says:

Friendship all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive.

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Q: How do you translate the unown alphabet in platinum?
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In Pokemon platinum can you combine the unown?

Nope. You can only have single Unown.

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It's Unown, it can be found at the Solaceon Ruins.

Who is Pokemon 114 in Pokemon Platinum?

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How do all the unown look like?

They resemble letters of the alphabet.

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What is the unown alphabet?

The Unown alphabet consist of 28 different Pokemon whose bodies form the shape of the 26 Latin letters, the !, and the ?. It is not certain in the history if the Pokemon or the ancient writing came first.

What is the 114 Pokemon in platinum?

in dimond in the national dex its tangela in the sino dex its unown (unown is a Pokemon by the way)