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After you have the National PokeDex, you have access to the PokeTransfer Lab on Route 15, where you can use the PokeTransfer machine to transfer Pokemon.

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14y ago

After completing the main storyline of the game, you will have access to the "Poké Transfer" feature. You must go to the Poke Transfer Lab on route 15 in Pokemon White (or Black), where you can transfer Pokemon from Generation IV games (Diamond, Pearl, SoulSilver, HeartGold) and catch them through a mini-game.

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Q: How do you transfer Pokemon from SoulSilver to white?
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You have to transfer from HeartGold or SoulSilver.

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no but you can transfer it from pokemon heartgold or soulsilver via poketransfer

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If you have Celebi on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver, you can use the PokeTransfer machine in Pokemon Black and White to transfer it.

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You are unable to transfer Pokemon to previous generations, mainly because there are all new Pokemon in Black and White.

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First, you have to transfer firered version pokemon to diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver. Then you can transfer it to Black or white

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No but you can transfer from Leafgreen,Firered to HeartGold,SoulSilver then trade to Black,White!

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you have to beat the Pokemon league then go to the Pokemon transfer lab at route 15 you need to go onto ds download play to transfer Pokemon from silver to white but you cannot transfer Pokemon to soul silver

Can you capture a Rayquaza on Pokemon black or white?

No. You have to either get it in HeartGold or SoulSilver or transfer it from Emerald.

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Through the Transfer Machine, which can be unlocked in-game.

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There is no way to legitimately catch Ho-oh in Pokemon White. You must transfer it from HeartGold or SoulSilver.

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get a second ds and transfer over

How do you get old Pokémon on Pokémon white?

Capture the older Pokemon and transfer them to the pal park in diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold or soulsilver and transfer them on to black/white using poke-transfer.