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you trade with your friends and your friends must be in front of you

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Q: How do you trade Pokemon without WiFi on DS?
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Is there a way to trade in Pokemon platinum without wifi?

yes if u have a Pokemon pearl or diamond trade the Pokemon from the palpark then get another ds put pearl or diamond in then the platinum in the other ds and trade at the Pokemon center at the top

Can you trade Pokemon without a trading cable?

If you're using a DS, you can do Wireless Trade Local or WiFi. But if you're using a Gameboy, you can't trade without a trade cable.

Where do you get gligar in Pokemon pear without a GBA game in your ds?

GTS works if you want to trade for him and you have wifi. Otherwise, you either have to have the GBA game or a friend to trade with who has the pokemon.

Can you trade Pokemon without wifi?

yes You can trade Pokemon from another ds from 20M away The Pokemon game in the other ds has to be the same generation as yours You can't trade with a gameboy SP games ( Ruby Sapphire Emerald) Nds Pokemon games are: Heartgold Soulsilver Platinum Diamond Pearl

How do you trade Pokemon through any game with gameboy or ds?

With ds you can wirelessly trade or wifi trade. with gb gbc and gba you have to trade with a cable. To igrate a gba pokemon to a ds game you need to have the gba in the gba slot of a ds lite and the ds game in the ds slot of the ds

Can you trade Pokemon using a ds and a computer?

yes but you need a special cable that connects the ds into the wifi Gts

Can you trade Pokemon with people on Pokemon soulsilver without friend codes like you could on diamond and pearl?

Yes using the Wireless connection for the DS or Nintendo wifi connection.

To go underground in Pokemon pearl do you need wifi?

No you do not need wifi to go into the underground tunnles but you can use ds to ds action and play with your friends in the underground and trade and stuff.

Can you trade in ss without a pokewalker?

You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.

Is there a way to trade Pokemon platinum and diamond i have 1 ds and a wii but no wifi?

Then no, unless you have a friend with a DS. If you are just trading with yourself or your friends this will work. If you are trying to trade with somebody you don't know then I'm afraid you are out of luck unless one of your friends has a DS with wifi.

How do you trade Pokemon across the globe without wi fi conetnion?

Impossible. But, if you have a friend with a Pokemon ds game, trade with them.

How can you trade an item from a DS to a DS?

You have to give the item you want to trade to a Pokemon, and then trade the Pokemon.