Instead of selecting an attack like"Flurry, Power Attack, Rapid fire", select a gernade and the your player will through it.
Yes and no. Instead of Knights of the Old Republic, BioWare will be releasing an Massive Multiplayer Online game (MMO) simply named "Star Wars - The Old Republic".
Knights of the Old Republic has been out since 2004, but it's hard to get a copy of the game, because original Xbox games are hard to find now-a-days.
you can't , once he is in jail he can't get out.
I still can't beat him. Talk about a difficulty curve.
You either throw lots of grenades or, you can get the smelly thing on the severed arm and go to the middle (where all the bones are) and put it and a frag in it and a cutscene will comence and it will die.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was made before Star Wars: The Old Republic.
NO!!! star wars knights of the old republic is not out of circulation because you can find copies at gamestop or slackers.
If you've used cheats on Star Wars: Knights Of The Old republic, then it is impossible to rectify this issue.
No. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic is not avalible on the PlayStation 1, 2, or 3. It is however sold on the Xbox platform.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - 2003 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
Knights of the Old Republic has not yet been announced, but the Old Republic comes out fall of 2011
you buy it
Yes and no. Instead of Knights of the Old Republic, BioWare will be releasing an Massive Multiplayer Online game (MMO) simply named "Star Wars - The Old Republic".
it already is released go on type star wars old republic