Hi. Throwing back grenades in Call of Duty World At War can be done by pressing a button when near the grenade. The icon will come up when you are close enough to the grenade. On the ps3 you have to press R2, on the Xbox you have to press RB, on the wii you have to press +. This is how you do it but i do not recommend this for online play as many people cook their grenades by holding the trigger longer. This causes the grenade to blow up quicker as the fuse is shorter. Hope I helped :D
get the perk scavenger u resuply from dead enemys
cocktail molotov, frag granade and sticky granade/sticky bomb
It happens to be a title, not an emblem. You're supposed to get 25 kills with fragmentation grenades.
you press L2 to throw a smoke bomb for ps3 and for 360 you press L1
Call of Duty classic Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 call of duty black ops call of duty modern warfare 3
press every button until you find out
With flack jacket pro you get extra fire resistance as in napalm strikes and flamethrower attachments. Also, it resets the fuse when you throw back frag grenades.
2 primary grenades and 3 tactical grenades
There is no tomahawks in world at war, there are only frag grenades, sticky grenades and Molotov's.
RB same as throw a granade go on top of the greanede and press the buttom
You can't, you can only use shoulder-fired weapons and grenades.
get the perk scavenger u resuply from dead enemys
Yes, here are the COD games you can get: 1. Call of Duty Classic 2. Call of Duty World at War 3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 4. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 5. Call of Duty Black Ops
Well, first of all you have to have Call of Duty ELITE. Then, you have to be lucky enough to join a clan that's past clan level 5. A clan that's past level 5 can make a custom title.
throw gernade
It gives you maximum starting ammo and let's you resupply special grenades.
cocktail molotov, frag granade and sticky granade/sticky bomb