Buy a wedding arch and place some chairs in front of the arch. Buy a cake if you wish. Then use the phone and choose the option 'throw a wedding party'.
Yes your Sim can have a party in the Sims 2 on PSP. From your Sim's menu go to the inventory and select their phone. On the phone menu there will be an option to throw a party.
You first must be engaged, then use the phone to throw a party, all of your friends will come over, and then you need to buy a wedding arch, in miscellaneous then the balloon icon it will say wedding arch, buy it and get the male and female sim to go under it and then click marry, they will put a ring on then kiss. They are now married!
There are three different ways to have a wedding for two Sims. To get two Sims married, they must first be engaged.The first way is simple: Have one Sim go up to the other Sim, click on "Purpose," then click "Marriage." They will be married in a matter of seconds.The second way is to buy a wedding arch under "Misc." in the Buy Mode catalog. Have them stand under it, click "Get Married," and they will promptly change into a wedding dress and tuxedo and get married.The third way is more difficult, but a lot more fun. When two Sims get married, they have the option of throwing a Wedding Party. Get on the phone, click "Throw Party" and then "Wedding Party." Invite up to four guests to come to your lot for the party. They will come immediately, and you must entertain them for 3 or 4 Sim hours. (Tip: make sure you buy champane, a wedding cake, and also make sure the two engaged Sims get married during the Wedding Party time limit.)
Once your two married sims become elders, go to the phone and select the "Throw Party" option. One of the options should be "Anniversary Party".
In the Sims 2, you can have a wedding. The relations must be high and you can marry two Sims of the same sex. Also, the Sims 2 weddings are far more advanced.
Your sim can get married and throw a party but you cannot have a wedding.
Go into buy mode, then "miscellaneous" and then there will be something that says "parties" or something similar, and then there will be an arch,that's the wedding arch. To make the wedding better, throw a wedding party for your Sims and have them go under the wedding arch and get married (by clicking on the wedding arch and clicking "get married") then the people invited to the party will cheer as your Sims get married and then they will say that they had a great time at your party!
Yes your Sim can have a party in the Sims 2 on PSP. From your Sim's menu go to the inventory and select their phone. On the phone menu there will be an option to throw a party.
you need to buy a wedding arch first. when wedding party is started, click on arch to get married. noo you cant have a wedding party if they have already gotten married!! you have to only get engaged, then you buy and arch and have a wedding party, then at the party you get married under the arch! if you propose marriage before you cant have a party.
1. get a high relationship with theSim you want to marry 2. then there will be a proposal option click it 3. go to the phone go in throw party choose wedding ( private wedding or public ) 4. invite people and party at your wedding! Hope This Helps
You should be able to click on propose... marrige on them. If not, you can click on the phone, and click throw party... wedding party. Of couse, you need a high daily and lifetime relationship meter first. Otherwise, they might turn you down at the altar!
You can have a proper wedding in the Sims 2; first you must buy a Wedding Arch and then you must have a engagment to a man/women, and then you can click on the arch and click get married. In the cutscene it shows the vows in sim language and the guests if any will stand and clap. Or to make it more elaborate; go to phone and click throw wedding party and then use the same thing above to get a limo to arrived if the party is a success, lastly you and your love will go on a short honeymoon in a nice limo.
You first must be engaged, then use the phone to throw a party, all of your friends will come over, and then you need to buy a wedding arch, in miscellaneous then the balloon icon it will say wedding arch, buy it and get the male and female sim to go under it and then click marry, they will put a ring on then kiss. They are now married!
There are three different ways to have a wedding for two Sims. To get two Sims married, they must first be engaged.The first way is simple: Have one Sim go up to the other Sim, click on "Purpose," then click "Marriage." They will be married in a matter of seconds.The second way is to buy a wedding arch under "Misc." in the Buy Mode catalog. Have them stand under it, click "Get Married," and they will promptly change into a wedding dress and tuxedo and get married.The third way is more difficult, but a lot more fun. When two Sims get married, they have the option of throwing a Wedding Party. Get on the phone, click "Throw Party" and then "Wedding Party." Invite up to four guests to come to your lot for the party. They will come immediately, and you must entertain them for 3 or 4 Sim hours. (Tip: make sure you buy champane, a wedding cake, and also make sure the two engaged Sims get married during the Wedding Party time limit.)
To throw a raging party, you need to prepare some food, invite people for the party, and let it roll out! If you do this, and it doesn't work, try inviting your mum to join the party, and it might work then.
Once your two married sims become elders, go to the phone and select the "Throw Party" option. One of the options should be "Anniversary Party".
Yes they can. This is how they get married: 1. Build up the relationship between the two sims really high (the top) 2. Get one of the sims to click on the other and click Propose...Engagment 3. If you want to have a wedding party, click on the phone and click. "Have a party" followed by "Wedding party". Then go to Buy mode and buy the wedding arch. If you don't want to have a party, just click on the Sim again and click "Propose" followed by "get married".