You can make your Moshi Monster either a boy or a girl so it does not really matter. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender!
You can decide for yourself whether your Katsuma is a boy or a girl. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender of your monster because they want you to use your imagination.
The food that gives the most health depends on your Moshi Monster. One way to tell is when you go shopping, your monster will say something when you purchase a food it likes. Another way to find out is to keep track of how many health points each food gives when you feed it to your monster. Your monster will also say something when you feed it a food it really likes.
As you move around your room or Monstro City, your monster will follow you. You do not need to tell them to move.
If you click on the medal it will tell you how to get it
On the Tell A Friend page you can send an e-card which will contain a link to adopt a monster.
u have to be a member to get the mr snoodle in a ice cube add me and i will tell u rare codes my moshi monster user name is victoria200311123456
Just click on adopt a monster and away you go!
Message The Moshi Monster Team By Reporting And tell Them You want to delete it. They'll Message you back a couple times and the second message will usually tell you how
not yet probalay soon add me on moshi monsters name basilix and i will tell you if i know i will tell you ok?
First, you have to lick your moshi monster's armpit. All done!
just cancel your moshi monster and re do it
You cant tell anyone YOUR PASSWORD. VISIT ME: princ3ss8888
Yes, visit orangeturtle1956 she'll tell you it.
i dont know the code tell the code to me
You can make your Moshi Monster either a boy or a girl so it does not really matter. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender!
In my opinion, there isn't a bad monster. If anyone is mean to you, tell an adult and REPORT that player and then delete them.