Kodu Game Lab was created on 2009-06-30.
If you are on a online server and have the authority to teleport then type /tp player to teleport to them. This also works the other way around
No, but you can teleport near them, then you will need a Brass Key to enter the cave they are in. Jag272:ok but i know i saw a guy use a teleport to come to hillies.
use Windows Bootcamp... it allows you to play Windows games and other stuff
Kodu is a game on PC and Mac where you can explore, create your own games and more.
Kodu Game Lab was created on 2009-06-30.
get a windows emulator on you mac got into the emulator download kodu an run it :D
Unnai Kodu Ennai Tharuven was created on 2000-05-25.
You can't yet as they havent brought it out
The cast of Kahe kodu ballaad - 1985 includes: Elle Kull as Maria Aare Laanemets as Martin Helje Soosalu as Hedda
Think yes...Im downloading it now xD
yes, you must have swag tho.
Yes you can teleport but only if you are as awesome as me
The cast of Unnai Kodu Ennai Tharuven - 2000 includes: Manivannan Nasser as Brigadier Simran as Indu Chinni Jayanth Ramesh Khanna