I know how to teach it Blast Burn in Pokemon Platinum only, so if you are using Diamond or Pearl version, this might not work. Anyway, there is a house on Route 228. Go inside the house and the person inside will teach Hydro Cannon, Frenzy Plant, or Blast Burn to your starter Pokemon.
No, Arcanine cannot learn Blast Burn because it is not a starter Pokemon. Infernape, Charizard, and other fire type starters can learn blast burn.
that is mission impossible. no non starters can teach blast burn:(
Sorry. Blaziken is the only Fire type starter that does not learn Blast Burn
Blast burn you can get at resort area -> route 228.First you need charizard , thyplosion ,blaziken or infernape.Second you need for example infernape who loves you slightly.Third go to route 228 and there should be a small lake and near lake a house.Then in house talk with that guy.And if you talked with him just click on infernape (or others) and forget atack.And...blast burn is on your pokemon! thank you for watching bye!
It must be tutored by a special tutor.
yes it can learn blast burn by the sandstorm inside the house the old man will teach it to your infernape
there will be a man in a house on your way to a mountain(not mount cornet) he will teach your starter an ultimate move(frenzy plant,hydro cannon,blast burn) hope i helped
Impossible only Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, and Infernape can learn Blast Burn.
it learns it at lv100
no only infernape can in the desert
blast burn
It doesn't have a level requirement, it jus needs to be an infernape. theres a house that I think is in between survival and resort areas with someone in it that teaches it blast burn.
Mines lv80 it knows solarbeam earthquake blast burn and focus blast. You can teach it fire blast if you can't teach it blast burn . i'd recoomend teaching it sunny day for bertha then your solarbeam doesn't need to charge. catch a water type and or a grass type, forget the hm moves the only decent hm moves are surf and fly. or mine has close combat blast burn earthquake poison jab. I'm trying to teach it flare blitz instead of blast burn, though.
No, Arcanine cannot learn Blast Burn because it is not a starter Pokemon. Infernape, Charizard, and other fire type starters can learn blast burn.
after beating elite four go 2 route 228 there will be a man who will teach infernape - blast burn torterra - frenzy plant empoleon - hydro cannon
that is mission impossible. no non starters can teach blast burn:(
Go to Route 228 keep going straight and you will see this house go inside that house and talk to the old man and say yes to his question if you have Torterra he will give you a Frenzly Plant if you have Infernape he will give you a Blast Burn if you have Empoleon he will give you a Hydro Cannon so just delete one of your move and make your Infernape Blast Burn hope I helped!