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First, you need to have a birdbath in your garden (Costolots -> Garden Items). Then, feed it a bottle of medicine (tinker a jar of honey).

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Q: How do you tame a sour crowla on viva pinata?
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What does the sour tower do in viva pinata?

You must have heard of the sour pinatas? Well say you have a sour crocodile and you buy a part of the sour tower which is the crocodile. It will keep the pinata out. ** I must say don't waste your chocolate coins on such a thing and try to tame the sour pinata. So once you reach level 18 you will have enough chocolate coinc to get digger and get a dragonache.

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you have to tame a sour crocdile i think wa level is it were u get a sour crocodile and do u know when u can get a canary a gas mask

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The Mallowolf is one of the pinatas that have a sour version. To obtain one, you must be at a certain level (7) and wait for the sour version to show up. To tame the sour version, you need to feed it the Pigxie. Once it is tamed, there will be no more sour Mallowolfves and normal ones will show up at anytime. Hope this information has helped.

How do you get the sour profitamole to come in your garden in viva pinata?

You need two mushrooms and a red flutterscotch to get the sour profitamole.

Do you create a pinata in viva pinata?

No, you can't create a Pinata on Viva Pinata.

Can you get a rhino pinata in viva pinata?

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Is there wolves in viva pinata?

yes if you do the resident requirement for a sour mallowolf it will turn in to a normal mallowolf

On Viva Piniata how do you get a Mallowolf?

You have to get the sour mallowolf to come in, the turn it normal by feeding it the fairy pig pinata.

How many vivapinata games is there?

There are 4. Viva Pinata on Xbox, Viva Pinata Trouble on paradise on Xbox, Viva Pinata pocket paradise, and another game with viva pinata minigames on Xobx. Also there are some other viva pinata minigames on a game called

What level can Viva Pinata get the rashbarry?

You can get the Rashberry on Viva Pinata on level 5.

Can you be a pinata on viva pinata?

No, you can only be a gardener.

Viva Pinata What is the last Pinata you get?

A hippo