Get close to them,click the bubble over their head and click on the availible answers
There are no roblox aim bots.
no you dont but too make one you might need 200 or 100 robux so there and find lil476 hes a roblox helper and im lil476 so im the roblox helper
13 or over can talk
The person is named ‘Admin’ He joined roblox in June 30, 2004 and got banned in October 27, 2006. He was banned because of Innapropriate username or testing. He was Left of ID 1 in 2004 to 2006 and ID 16 from 2006 to 2020 I think and ID 18 after 2020. he kinda looked like a person with green shirt and blue pants and dark yellow head and arms. 95% of roblox accepts that is a bot. And it actually is a bot roblox added to the roblox system in Copration. The 5% thinks it’s an actual user like a user who actually signed up in 2004. There was one picture of it as a baby with spiky hair but who thinks he is a baby lol? That isn’t the user at all! It’s a bot, here’s a picture of Admin down below ↓I found on google
If you are over 13 years of age as you put for ur age when you signed up, then you can free chat. i put my reglur age and im under 13 and i can still talk on roblox add kingsguard as friend on roblox
There are no roblox aim bots.
no you dont but too make one you might need 200 or 100 robux so there and find lil476 hes a roblox helper and im lil476 so im the roblox helper
In Shadows Grove, far left
it’s Minecraft good fortnite bad
talk to him on google
Shadow Grove move left a bit hes a red robot
sensation bot
you PM a adminastrator of roblox and wait for an answer
You talk like in normal chat.
Not that I'm aware of.
You can't. Safty.
13 or over can talk