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Ways to remove a stripped screw:

Create a notch which you can fit a cross-cut screwdriver into using a metal file. This only works if the screw head protrudes enough to get the file into it.

Drill out the head of the screw, remove the part it was holding in, and use the new angle to try and remove it.

Carefully fix a rod to the screw itself (using glue) so that when you turn the rod the screw turns with it. (This runs the risk of gluing the screw in permanently unless you're good at precision).

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Q: How do you take stripped screw out of psp?
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If the head of the screw is stripped out, you can purchase a damaged screw remover at a hardware store. If it is the actual wood in the screw hold in the stock that is stripped I would suggest drilling it out to a suitable diameter. Then take a dowel rod and cut a plug, Make sure it fits snuggly. Wood Glue it and clamp it in then after it sets overnight drill and tap it out and you should be good to go, don't over tighten it to avoid stripping it out again.

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