

Best Answer

you go to my xbox system settings system info put in lt rt x y lb rb left anolog stick click in yy

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Q: How do you take family settings OFF of my xbox360?
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How do you take off your family timer on the xbox without knowing the passcode?

The password feature is used for people who try and change settings without permission. There is no way to change any family settings on Xbox 360 without the password.

Can you take off blood and gore on any halo for xbox360?

No, you cannot take the blood and/or gore off any Halo, be it Xbox 360 or not.

How do you get your fifa 12 created 12 team to download onto your xbox It says on your xbox you have to change your family settings what should you do?

You will have a restriction on your Xbox. The family settings allows a parent or guardian to control how you play the xbox. I would recommend you taking off the family settings and trying again. If works, you can put the family settings back on again.

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You can delete the internet connection settings in the Nintendo 3DS System Settings.

How do you take off your passlock off your iPod touch?

go to the settings on the first page.

How big is gb on a xbox360?

you can take off the hard drive on the xbox 360 and they have 20gb hard drives 60gb, and 120gb

How do you get xbox360 live downloads off your xbox360?

go to xbox LIVE marketplace and there is a huge list of downloads

How can you reset your family settings on your 360 plus turn the safety console off?

On the dashboard, where you can select to play your game, view games you've played etc, keep heading right and you'll see the option for family safety settings. There you can turn off the family setting. However, you will need the password to disable it.

Can you take off cussing in modern warfare 3?

No, because the settings doesn't have it on there

Can you turn the blood and gore off for the xbox360 halo?


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Go to Settings & Tools Phone Settings Set Shortcuts

Will updating carrier settings take off iphone jailbreak?

No, only an iOS update will.