Turn the spindle knob to advance the fim, and wait for the status to turn to green, then take the pic.
To develop the picture, you shake your device.
You have to shake your iTouch/iPhone.You have to shake your ipod or iphone in order to develop the picture.
Click the word defend.
7 (Ignore the picture. What you actually have to do is count the letters in the words "his hand"
Drag the left cherry to the side and tap the right cherry (:
They can only take photos if you have the camera add-on.
The iPod Touch 1st or 2nd generation does not come with a camera, so it is impossible to take a picture. However, you can upload photos you have already taken to veiw them.
impossible, the methadone should have shown up on the test.
If you take a picture of a cartoon charater/s, you put a voice over behind it if you cant do that it is impossible
That's impossible.
Practice... simple as that. Picture it as taking a test, if you take the same test over and over again do you think your scores going to improve? I thought so :p
It is not impossible to could individual chromosomes. There is a test that can count them.
Bananas (have to put s)
no it is impossible.
It was impossible to finish the test in the time allowed. Raising the sunken ship seemed an impossible task.
Not even close I've finished this test like 100 times:)