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You take a short ethernet cable and plug it into the eternet port on the back of each xbox. However, I think that you can't link an Xbox 360 and an original xbox.

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Q: How do you system link 2 Xbox' s?
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Can you system link 2 Xbox 360's and Xbox live?

No... you can't.

Can you get on Xbox Live with two Xbox 360's if you system link them Even if only one Xbox has a profile with Xbox live on it?

Nope, must have 2 live accounts

Can two players play on crackdown 1?

yea for system link (requires 2 xbox 360'S)

How do you system link Call of Duty Black Ops?

plug a system link chord or an Ethernet chord from one xbox to the other or you'll have to have a connected hub or router for more than 2 360's

How do you use System Link on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

All of the Xbox's (and I'm pretty sure PS3's and PC's have the same option) need to be connected to the same wired or wireless network. From the Multiplayer menu, select system link and then host. Have the other systems (they must be the same system, eg not PC and PS3, only PS3 and PS3) join the game from the system link menu.

Can you connect the Kinect to the regular xbox 360?

Yes, it was made for the Xbox 360 and the Xbox S system.

In Call of duty modern warfare 2 xbox 360 can you use headsets with system link?

the only purpose in me reading through these forums is to find the answer to the question we are both wondering. We have 7 x-box 360's linked together and no one can get a headset to work.

Is the xbox 360 s good?

The Xbox 360s console is a great system. The only downfall is that the glossy black case shows fingerprints.

Where do you attach an HDMI cable on the XBOX 360?

If you don't have an HD XBox 360, then there is no HDMI port. Yes, there are 2 types of XBox 360's.

How do you play 2 players on halo wars?

Over XBOX Live and through Local Connection (2 XBOX 360's linked up with eachother)

Is there going to be witcher 2 console commands on xbox 360?

Xbox 360's do not have running consoles you are able to access. So, no.

How do you do a prestage hack on xbox 360?

go to the Microsoft home page download 3rd link on the right. open the link change all the "o"s to "y"s and then turn your xbox off and on 7 times not 8 spread tooth past all over your disk (note: this won't harm your disk) put it in the tray and seal off all the vents(this is how to keep the hack viruses in) turn it on go into the system settings memory press "y" go to clear system cache and play your game (if this doesn't work try peanut butter)