synthesise living statue and demon at arms
only action replay
you just synthesize 2 goodybags
Mechan-o'wyrm & Drakulard
demon at arms + living statue
synthesise living statue and demon at arms
This has how to synthesis every monster in dqmj. Mortamor is made with Nimzo and Estark.
I got my synthesis picks at like when I beat the second boss. My team was Demon at arms, Great Dragon, Hawk heart. You suddenly get synthesis picks when you talk to the synthesis lady a lot of times.
Have 2 monsters (+) and 2 other monsters (-) the synthesis each monster with each other.
first get an imp, you can get these from the shrine on xeroph island. Then get a dingaling which you can get from fert island, then just synthesise them and BOOM! you have an ancorman : -) hope this helped. Izzy123DQM
how can I talk to the commichiner in dqm how can I talk to the commichiner in dqm
sadly you can't you can i Pokemon not DQM Joker 8(
should science pursue the synthesis of a living cell. Yes or No. Explain
A tree is kind of like a statue, a statue doesn't move and a tree moves a little but that is not exactly a tree all common movements to a statue. A statue is a man made representation of something. A tree is a living thing, so, a tree is not a statue ,but ,you can have a statue of a tree.
whoever said synthesis is wrong i know the 3rd letter is a
no.1 slime knight no.2 Spitnik no.3 green dragon no.4 a monster that has great in its name e.g Great dragon no.5 a monster with man in its name e.g merman no.6 living statue no.7 cannibox no.8 Tortured Soul no.9 malroth no.10 your first monster good luck