Corrupt save data is most likely because the save type is wrong. Click Options->Emulator->Save Type and try each combination listed. Don't forget to reset (Control+R) after selecting a new type.
A PSP uses very a very specific file download system and to do this you need to make sure it is a supported file. If you know that it is a supported file, make sure you have the most recent firmware (v5.02) then go to your Internet Browser and find the website that has your download and click the download link... Your PSP should ask you what to do with the download, Select save file and wait for the file to download... Once it is done, go to where you downloaded it on your home screen and open the file. If it says "Cannot open Currupted File" this means it is an unsupported file. (To get the new firmware update go to: Home >Settings >Network update.) You need a wireless internet connection to do this.
For MACFirst download it from the website and open the downloaded file. If it is not a zip file, then compress it. Place it in the mod folder of minecraft by going to ~/Library then open Application Support. Find minecraft and open the folder labeled mods and place the zip file in the folder.
Unsupported file types are file extensions that Windows does not know what to do with. This means that there is no program installed on the computer associated with a particular file type. To open an unsupported file type you must first install the program that the file uses to work with it.
Length over which the column has no support is taken as unsupported length of the column
Say you get an email from your buddy and it's a photoshop file. If you don't have photoshop (or GIMP + the PS extension), you'll get an error message saying 'unsupported file' when you try to open the downloaded file. Basically this means that you don't have the program installed on your computer needed to open the file.
You can't play unsupported file extensions in Windows Movie Maker. You have to convert the file to a format compatible with the program.
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It means that the source of the music you downloaded is not compatible with your cellphone.
When a file is unsupported, this means that the file type cannot be understood by the device. Media-playing hardware can only operate with specific file types, or extensions. If you downloaded a document onto an mp3 player and expected it to play music from the file, the mp3 player would not know what to do with it. Likewise there are some sound file types that certain hardware cannot play. Some common file types for music include .mp3, .wma, .wav, and .aac
brower unsupported during internet banking
pdf file support
either an unsupported file format ...or ... perhaps the wii knows its mature content.
DOS had no support for virtual memory, no native GUI, and no built in security functions.